Business Aviation Solutions PART 25
Business Aviation is defined as the branch of aviation that deals with commercial companies for the transport of passengers or goods as a means to conduct business. The minimum requirement for pilots in the business aviation division, is a valid commercial pilot license with an instrument rating.
Check out ADS-B business aviation solutions that are specifically tailored to meet our customers’ needs as well as meets the requirements for the FAA mandate. Want ADS-B to work harder for you? AIE, Inc. recommends looking into ADS-B IN and OUT units. Not only does it meet the FAA requisites, but it also provides Traffic, Altitude, Weather and Ground Tracking for free.

ADS-B In identifies other aircraft near you and broadcasts their position.
** Free Weather, Traffic, Altitude and Ground Tracking

ADS-B Out broadcasts your aircraft’s position to other aircraft and Air Traffic Control Ground Stations.
** FAA Mandate Compliant

ADS-B In and Out is the complete package in technology for aircraft traffic control.
** Free Weather and Traffic
** FAA Mandate Compliant