AIE, Inc. offers a wide range of FAA compliant ADS-B units. It is now mandated that by January 1st, 2020 all aircraft be required to a minimum have ADS-B Out.
We know that not all aircraft need the same type of unit, so to make it easier for our customers we have split ADS-B into simplified categories. This way you can get guidance and select the best unit that fits your needs and your budget.

Experimental/Light Sport Part 23
Our Light Sport Aircraft ADS-B solutions meet the requirements mandated by the Federal Aviation Administration

General Aviation Certified Part 23
We’re offering low-cost options for personally owned and small business aviation.

Business Aviation Solutions Part 25
Our Business Aviation ADS-B solutions are tailored to our commercial customers specific needs.
ADS-B also known as Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast, is a satellite-based system that will allow air traffic controllers to handle a higher volume of aircraft more effectively. This interactive system utilizes GPS-based datalinks to perform a more accurate, reliable, and affordable tracking function. When using the ADS-B datalinks, every aircraft will automatically transmit its exact position, speed, track, altitude, climb/decent rate to other aircraft in the area and air traffic controllers.
The reason for this mandate is to make every aircraft and tower interconnected to reduce human error. With ADS-B, situational awareness is greatly enhanced allowing everyone to see clearly where they are in comparison with another aircraft.